Salou. Costa Dorada. 03 December 2018.
The entities linked to sport receive a well-deserved recognition at the Sports Night
The seventh edition of the Sports Night has acknowledged the work of about thirty organizations that are related in one way or another to exercise and sport. Among them, the group "Anem a Caminar", which celebrates a decade encouraging the Salians to perform a physical activity, is particularly noteworthy. In this seventh edition of this gala, it has also been congratulated for all the organizations that achieved a promotion or were proclaimed champions in any of the categories during the last season, and an individual trophy has been given to all members of these teams.
The journalist Sergi Amat presented the event at the Teatre Auditori de Salou, with the TAS auditorium filled with gom gom, where the City Council of Salou wanted to dedicate a sincere tribute to the entities, sports clubs and athletes of the municipality. The Mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, thanked all those involved in the world of sport that "with their altruistic and voluntary dedication to promoting and teaching different sports techniques, they simultaneously transmit the values and principles of culture sporty ". Granados added that "from the City Council we will continue to equip Salou with projects and initiatives that will be used to promote sport and sport among young people, because our will is to serve and respond to the new demands and the new challenges of future of society; The example of the beginning of the works of the new Football Field, with the first works of land movement, is an example. "
For his part, Councilor for Sports Dani López also highlighted the work done by the group Anem a Caminar, "a group of people who today will receive a mention for their promotion of sport as a healthy way of life; where the most important thing is to do sport to have health, "and added that" it is not a prize that is given by chance; It is a recognition to a project that shows us the other side of the sport. " Finally, Dani López wanted to congratulate all athletes and sports entities for their efforts, and especially mentioned the SmartFootball group, "to make the Salou Soccer Complex grow year after year and be a benchmark worldwide soccer world ", and in recent days he has received an award for his innovative project.
Later a video has been projected; As well as being able to enjoy the performance of Gala Sabaté and Albert Amores, champions of the "novice doubles" world of Pole Sport, and the Salou Club Esportiu.
On the night of the sport, Joan Plana, territorial representative of the Sport of the Generalitat in Tarragona, has also been present, who has been very pleased to be able to participate at night and has encouraged athletes to follow the path of the competition, the effort and the learning; Also present was Enric Rovira, vice president of the Tarragonès Sports Council, as well as other councilors and city councilors and presidents, presidents, and local athletes.
Below is the list of trophy delivery:
L’Aleví A de Futbol Sala – Campió de lliga escolar i finalista a les fases nacionals de Catalunya
L’Aleví B de Futbol Sala – Campió del nivell B
Les Pre-infantils de Bàsquet – campiones del nivell B de la federació. 1es classificades.
El Benjamí Nivell 1 de Figures –Martina Garcia (1a al Campionat de Catalunya)
El Benjamí de Rutines Combinades Categoria A- 3es al Campionat de Catalunya
La Categoria d’Aleví Estatal – Patricia Royo (1a classificada)
Combo Aleví Rutina Combinada Promoció Espanya – 1es classificades
Combo Infantil Rutines Combinades – 2es classificades
Solo Infantil Promoció Espanya – Berta Guardia (2a classificada) i Daria Romanova (3a classificada)
Duet infantil Promoció Espanya – Berta Guardia i Alicia Nora (3es classificades)
Rutina Combinada Junior Promoció Espanya – Berta, Nayra, Browen, Martina, Alicia, Anna, Maria, Daria i Zaira (2es classificades)
Sènior Masculí – Ascens a Lliga EBA
Sènior Masculí B – Ascens a Tercera Catalana
Senior A – Ascens a divisió d’honor
Senior B – Ascens a 2a Divisió
Aleví – Campió Provincial
Lidia Sierra – Campiona Provincial sub-10 femení
Alexander Domene – Campió Provincial sub-10 masculí
Victor Plasencia - Campió Provincial Absolut en partides ràpides
Julian Preda – Participació al Campionat del Món Amateur
Benjamí Masculí A – Ascens a Preferent
Aleví Masculí A – Ascens a 1a Divisió
Benjamí Mixt - Campió fase comarcal
Aleví Mixt – Campió fase territorial
Infantil Femení – Campió fase territorial
Albert Pujol – 2n al Campionat de Catalunya OptimistG2 Sots-11
Guillem Segú – 1r al Campionat d’Espanya RS:X Juvenil
Paula Figueras – 1a al Campionat de Catalunya Laser 4.7 sots-16
Xavi Jofré – 1r al Campionat de Catalunya Techno293 sots-17
Ariadna Barbier – 2a al Campionat de Catalunya Techno293 sots-17
Aina Ferrer – 3a al Campionat de Catalunya Techno293 sots-17
Laura Cabezas – 2a al Campionat de Catalunya Raceboard Absolut
Olivia Pujol – 3a al Campionat de Catalunya Raceboard Absolut
Elba Martínez – 3a al Campionat de Catalunya OptimistG1
Aleix Amado – 1r classificat categoria Benjamí al Campionat de Catalunya de lliure
Júlia Amado – 1a classificada categoria Infantil als Campionats Territorials de lliure i FF.OO.
Irene García – 1a classificada categoria Cadet al 2on Trofeu de Categories
Anaïs Mercadé - 1a classificada categoria Sènior al 2on Trofeu de Categories
Gemma Bargalló – 5a classificada categoria Sènior al Campionat d’Espanya de lliure
Paula Morente – Ascens a categoria Aleví de lliure
Marina Ondina – Ascens a categoria Aleví de lliure
Mar Arbós – Ascens a categoria Júnior de lliure
Andrea Rosa – Ascens a categoria Cadet de FF.OO.
Maria Morente – Ascens a categoria Cadet de FF.OO.
Equip Juvenil – 9ens al Campionat d’Espanya modalitat tripletes
Benjamí Masculí – Campió Lliga Territorial
Infantil Masculí Consell – Campió Lliga Territorial
Sènior Masculí B – Ascens a 3a Divisió Nacional
Sènior Masculí – Ascens a 1a Divisió Catalana
Sènior Masculí – Ascens a 3a Catalana
Aleví Base – Campiones de la Copa Catalana
Aleví Escolar A – Campiones comarcals
Gala Sabaté – Or al Campionat del Món “novice doubles” de Pole Sport
Nilo Vidal – Sots-Campió al Campionat de Catalunya d’Esquaix
Marta Barragan, Marta Garcia i Elena Casado – 4es al Campionat del món grup xou de Patinatge
Nekane Fuentes – Campiona d’Europa (grey/teen2/medium-heavy) de Jiu-Jitsu
Ana Lozano – Campiona d’Europa grup xou juvenil de Patinatge
Desiree Lopez – 1a categoria superlleuger femení 52-55kgs. Mod. Combate Taekwondo
Andrea Mazzanti – Or al Campionat d’Espanya de Rem
Gabriel Malo – Plata en relleus i 100mts. Al Campionat del món Special Olympics Atletisme