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Salou / News / Art

The tourist accommodation sector of Mont-Roig del Camp forcasts great rates this summer

El Milà

Mont-Roig. Costa Dorada. The tourist accommodation sector in Mont-Roig del Camp and Miami Beach provides  remarkable rates for this summer despite economic context.   Both the camping industry, one of the most powerful in Mont-Roig del Camp, including hotel apartments offered for rent will predict that, during the two strong months, which can reach an average occupancy of 80%. While the month of July began with an occupancy of 70% in some establishments, for the month of August is expected that this figure could be increased up to 90% at least. In August we could achieve full employment in certain establishments As for the camping industry, the largest believe will have a season like 2009, despite initially expected a weaker response. During this month, have begun to reach international audiences, especially France, Germany and Holland, providing a monthly employment in the global 70%. Preferably with visitors of the state for the month of August the camp waiting to receive an influx of people occupying between 90 and 100% of their seats. The smaller campsites, however, portend a worse season to last year. All hotels with more people, meanwhile, have a provision similar to that of 2009, as with children camping in the municipality, while providing a smaller weaker season than they experienced last year. The employment rate is estimated between 70% this month, and full occupancy in August. Finally, with regard to vacation rentals, they follow the same pattern that large campsites and hotels, with occupancy of between 70 and 80% in July, and between 90 and 100% in August. Regarding the type of client, this also follows the trend of the other sectors with more foreign public this month, especially for national and August. Despite these predictions, the various sectors of accommodation ensure that the figures as they can dance the summer progresses. Also, bear in mind that most of the entries in the municipality always occur from the second half of July.  

Etiquetes: costa dorada, el milà, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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