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The plenary session approves that Salou is a "city for Peace" that recognizes the victims of violence

The plenary of yesterday addressed a total of six motions.

Salou. Costa Dorada. 31 May 2018. The corporation approved yesterday a motion that declared Salou a "city for peace and non-violence" through an institutional declaration of recognition to all victims of violence. This initiative, presented by all the members of the council, wants to locate in the capital of the Costa Daurada as a municipality free of all violence and in favor of peace. Thus, the motion seeks to make explicit recognition and remembrance to "all victims" of both acts of violence and terrorism, including all those affected, injured and relatives who have suffered and suffer the physical and psychological consequences; dedicating a space to his memory and tribute to Plaça de la Pau, with the planting of a tree for peace. The motion also agreed to declare the municipality of Salou as a "city for peace and non-violence." The motion agreement also expresses "thanks and support to the authorities and international organizations, government authorities (of the Spanish State, Generalitat de Catalunya and the Autonomous Communities), police and judicial, who in the same direction and objective have They fought and continue to fight terrorism with the weapons of democracy and the law, defending the rights of citizens to freedom, security and coexist in peace. " In addition, the text of the motion also states "the most sincere thanks and support to all organizations and associations of victims who defend the dignity of all those affected by terrorism, and vindicate the justice and the government of the State to resolve those hundreds of crimes and violent acts that have not yet been clarified or closed. " This motion was voted unanimously.

The plenary, at the beginning, also reminded the figure of Murielle Reig, the president of the Oncological Association Dr Amadeu Pelegrí for his work at the service of the community, which died at the beginning of the month after a long fight against cancer.

Other five motions

The plenary session of the Municipality of Salou in May also approved, among other aspects, the precise modification of the POUM regarding the application of the regulation of hotel density according to the current POUM (modified by the MP-40) in the Polígono de actuación Cap Salou-14. (MP-100). The situation in the area that is the object of the current modification of the Municipal Urban Planning Plan is in the area of ​​Cap Salou, around the Sant Jordi Church. It limits the north with Carretera de la Costa, to the northeast with the road of the lighthouse, and with the church of Sant Jordi, and to the South with built private lands. The proposed modification affects the maximum room density that will be the result of the fulfillment of the requirements and technical conditions established of general application to these establishments and more bearing in mind the Special Plan to preserve existing sandy habitats and vegetation In the area and proposing corrective measures that allow conservation. This point has been voted unanimously.

Another point that has been put to the vote has been the ratification of a decree that asks the General Commerce Directorate of the Generalitat to reconsider the POUM Point Modification in the Sector 04 Emprius Nord. This agreement has received the 12 favorable votes of the government (CiU + PSC) and the 9 opposing votes of the opposition.

The last point regarding the issues of land management and maintenance infrastructure of the city has given the green light to the revised text of the modification of the special urban plan for specific actions of public interest of a sports nature in the sports complex "Futbol Salou ", which has also been approved unanimously. The agreement has also been approved between the City Council of Salou and the Tarragona 2017 Foundation in the framework of the Mediterranean Games and also the denomination of the pedestrian public passage that leads from the Punta del Cavall street to Cala del Pinatell, both unanimously agreed .

The first one was presented by the Municipal Group of the PP in which he requested - after the announcement of the disappearance of ETA after 50 years of existence - that the plenary of the City Council agreed to erect, in a public space of our municipality, a monument in tribute to the victims of ETA; in addition to thanking both the State Security Forces and Forces as well as the judges and prosecutors, their work in the fight against the terrorist band. This motion has only received the votes in favor of the PP and C's, and has not been approved.

The second motion, presented by the Municipal Socialist Group - and where amendments have been introduced by ERC - urges the Government of the Generalitat to extend, through the Public Employment Service of Catalonia and the General Directorate of Youth, the network of Drivers of the Youth Guarantee Program in Catalonia or incorporate a similar figure to the same entities where the Drivers were, at least, during the course of the Youth Guarantee Program (2014 to 2020). In addition to urging the Generalitat to allocate the necessary and sufficient resources to policies of direct intervention on young people, because the Red de Impulsores does not make sense if there is not a portfolio of services and resources to offer young people. This motion has received the unanimous support of the 21 councilors.

The discussion of motions has continued with a third, presented by the PP, in which the Generalitat of Catalonia is urged to maintain the current system of distribution of the collection of the tourist tax. This has been rejected. The motion of the popular reflects that since last year the Catalan municipalities receive 50% of the collection of the tourist rate instead of 30%, as a result of an amendment to the Law accompanying the 2017 Budget that was approved by the Parliament of Catalonia and notes that "this month we have learned that the Government wants to change again the changes introduced last year in the collection of the tourist tax, reversing the measure adopted. own general director of Tourism of the Generalitat ". This motion has received the support of the 6 votes of the PP and Ciutadans and the opposing vote of the 15 councilors that make up CiU, PSC, ERC and Gs. As for Ciutadans, they have filed a motion regarding the reinvestment of the budget surplus for 2017, in which they ask for investment in the expansion of the places and the temporary nature of contracts in the employment plans; in the adaptation of all the properties of municipal ownership for the total adaptation of their infrastructures; as well as the rehabilitation, repair and improvement of infrastructures of real estate owned by the local entity such as the Local Police Station or the TAS corridor. This motion has not prospered either. So alone has received the support of C'S and PP.

The PSC has also presented another motion in which a regulatory change is requested that allows bingo to play in the homes of retired and retired people and that therefore the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia that modifies Article 2.2 of Decree 86/2012 of July 31 and that bingo is considered social or friendly in associations or care centers for people over 65 and in centers for people with disabilities, for adults, registered in the corresponding administrative records and with more four years old, among other aspects. This motion has received the support of all parties and has therefore been approved unanimously.

Tags: salou, costa dorada, plenary
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