Salou. Costa Dorada. 16 November 2018.
The City Council of Salou will improve five of the eleven showers that currently exist on Poniente beach. For this purpose, it will allocate 105,000 euros that will be allocated to the improvement and renewal of the platforms. The problem that affects these structures is usually the accumulation of sand, which forms dunes that prevent the water from leaving. Specifically, these five accesses and groups of showers are those that are needed to complete the maintenance of the 11 existing ones and they are located in the Venus Plaza extension of E Street; the one located in Barranco de Barenys, prolongation of C Street; the extension of B Street, the extension of A Street; and the extension of Barenys Street. The project is posted on the contractor's profile and offers can be submitted until November 29.
The need for action comes from the fact that the beach sand is subjected to the constant action of the wind that drags the grains of sand that, when they encounter an obstacle, accumulate forming dunes. This fact favors the accumulation of beach sand near the coastal walls. "This accumulation of sand, supposes that the platforms of showers, that built the same Ministry around 1998, end up being below the desirable level from a point of view of the drainage of the showers, which generates an accumulation of water in the platforms of shower, for lack of drainage ", pointed out the councilor of Beaches, Julia Gómez. Now, with this intervention that has a cost of 104,444 euros, it is intended to correct and improve the service.
The actions foreseen in this action are the lifting of the current level of the wooden platforms, so that they are not sunken, favoring natural drainage. Also specific actions to improve drainage in those cases where the base of the wood is a continuous concrete slab, the water collection will be made with strong slopes of well smoothed concrete, which will channel the water and sand to an internal drainage ditch . At the same time anti-root barriers will be placed that prevent the roots from reaching the base of the shower platforms. Finally, other improvement actions that will be carried out in relation to future maintenance, will be the creation of a record on the basis and fixation of the showers, the renewal of wood in poor condition, and the application of oils for tropical woods.
Over the years, delaying actions of this effect have been carried out, such as those carried out by the Ministry of the Environment, with the restitution of beaches. Other delaying actions have been the corresponding maintenance actions, carried out by the City Council, in which it has been doing favoring actions of drainage, as well as the maintenance of wood.