The Local Police focuses its employer celebration about safe driving
Salou. Costa Dorada. 28 September 2018. Road safety has been the center of interest in the celebration of the day of the patron of the Local Police of Salou, in a ceremony of delivery of distinctions in the Plenary Hall of the City Council. The event had a great attendance, where a documentary that explains the real case of an accident that occurred in the municipality was presented. One of the injured in that accident collaborates with the Police offering talks in the schools of the municipality.
The video, reveals a real case of motorcycle accident occurred in the municipality. Subsequently, in the speeches section, the head of the Local Police, José Luis Gargallo has reviewed the year in police terms, highlighting the new motorized proximity unit, as well as the new unit canine, in addition to the office of relations with the community, which year after year helps maintain contact between the police and citizens, merchants, and associations and entities. Besides, the police chief also wanted to make a reminder of the great teamwork that takes place both internally, and jointly with the other bodies and security forces.
For his part, the Councilor for Citizen Security and Mobility, David González, wanted to "welcome the new agents who have joined, as well as remember the agent Alberto Macias, who left us in the act of service." And he added that- "to continue in this line of improvement we must continue to provide, in a rational and efficient manner, the police with adequate material and technical resources". In this sense, González, announced that "we have acquired 6 new bicycles, two bikes, 3 DEAS, and soon we will acquire a new vehicle for police use, in addition to reinforcing the staff with the creation of a canine unit, with the addition of Ron, a young Malinoise Belgian shepherd duly trained and the training of 4 body agents, which is giving very good results ". But the councilman did not want to finish his speech without congratulating the agents: "there is an essential element, in fact, the most important ... the human resource, since the local police force of Salou would not be what it is without the great professionals who are part ".
The mayor, who has closed the turn of parliaments has ensured that "one of the most important commitments we have is related to everything that affects the safety of people, and the protection of public and private goods for this we must apply measures and policies that have as objective the attention to the citizenship, the pacific coexistence, and the maintenance of the public order and the civismo ". Granados explained that "the Local Police offers a service of proximity and mediation, which from the city we have always valued to enhance citizen assistance and the promotion of civic behavior, eliminating conflicts and creating a space of wellbeing and with more quality of life "
All of them have congratulated the winners, as well as the personal effort and the day-to-day delivery of the work of the police force, at the service of society.
Distinctions and diplomas delivered
In the mentions section, the following distinctions and recognitions should be highlighted, both to the police themselves and to the civilian staff:
To the person in charge of the municipal brigade of the City council, Juan Milan; a person always predisposed, and who never says no, participating and helping whenever he has been needed, especially in emergency situations, floods, ... without making an excuse and always being available in so many calls outside of hours.
To the agent of the Local Police of Salou, Enrique Santos, of which it is possible to emphasize his knowing to be, his elegance born, his control in extreme situations and of course, his companionship. Enrique started working in the month of March of the year 1991 and has gone through various tasks within the Body ending on the other side of the phone, currently developing the work of operator with a constant dedication and a great professionalism.
Another agent that has obtained the recognition has been Luis Castillo, who also entered in March of the year 1991, and interestingly, after passing through several units he has also ended up on the other side of the telephone as operator. Castillo is a person, hardworking, tireless, always willing to help others. His love of the profession and his inestimable character makes us start a smile included in the most difficult moments because he always knows how to see the positive side of situations.
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