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Investment of 3.2 million euros to improve streets and public spaces

The actions are divided into seven areas of the municipality

Salou. Costa Dorada. 28 November 2018.
The City Council of Salou will make an important investment of up to 3.2 million euros, aimed at improving the streets and public spaces. To this end, the municipality has been divided into seven areas of action, where 2 MEs will be allocated and from January 1.1 ME will be earmarked for improving the streets of Terrer, Louis Braille and the area of ​​Burguera Street. In addition, the Carles Buigas avenue project has been put out to tender, where another 3 MEs will be allocated.
The Mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, accompanied by the Councilor for Land Management, Marc Montagut and City Councilor for Maintenance of the City, Mª José Rodríguez, assessed the scope of the set of actions that have been planned and that have made it possible to improve urban planning Township. "We must act in depth in those areas and streets that require more intervention, and this will be the criterion we will follow." We have been working for some time on the idea of ​​planning the comprehensive renovation of our municipality, applying criteria of quality of life and quality urban for people ". He also pointed out that "now we are making a first step of arranging sidewalks in different parts of the municipality with a transversal action in Salou".
The mayor clarified that "with all these actions we will make a qualitative leap in the urban environment, with the idea that we have already begun to work on the integral renovation of the municipality, in order to achieve an environment with great added value". In this sense he said that "we can not be a quality tourist destination but we are a municipality of quality".
The 7 zones
On the one hand we have planned a set of actions, valued at 2,063,430 euros, with which we want to renovate several sidewalks in the municipality as well as improve the road in these areas.
  • In the 1st area corresponding to Carles Roig, Via Aurelia, Barenys, Guillem de Claramunt, Arquebisbe Pere de Cardona ... 314,781 euros will be invested.
  • In the 2nd area that corresponds to the neighborhood of Salut and up to the Paseo Miramar 307,802 euros will be allocated
  • In the 3rd area, which includes the streets Barcelona, ​​Berenguer de Palou, Via Roma, Llobregat ..., the next months will be invested up to 299,375 euros
  • In the 4th area, which corresponds to the perpendicular streets between Calle Nord and Jaume I, 310,206 euros will be invested
  • In the 5th area, which corresponds to the tourist area of ​​Murillo, Saragossa, La Rioja, Fra Juniper Serra streets, an investment of 346,334 euros will be made
  • In the 6th area, which includes the developments of Xalets and Mirador will invest 84,313 euros
  • In the 7th zone, finally, corresponding to the neighborhood of Cap Salou, will have an investment of 400,616 euros.
More works in January next to Plaza Europa
The Councilor for Land Management, Marc Montagut, detailed the works of the field of action that will be carried out imminently in the triangle of streets between the highway from Reus to Salou and Pere Molas Avenue with the vertex in the Plaza Europe. These are the streets Terrer, Louis Braille, Burguera, Pujol de Barberà, Josep Vicenç Foix, Dra. Helena Maseras and the north sidewalk of Birmingham Street with an investment of 1,179,000 euros. In this set of streets the paving of sidewalks, the installation of drinking water, as well as gardening and irrigation works will be carried out. Montagut explained that "we will start past parties with the intervention in Terrer Street, with a relocation of the trees that are on the road so the sidewalk is free for the passage of pedestrians, and also renovation of pavements and asphalt."
The full Wednesday will definitely approve the project and then it will go to the contracting services to award it and that the works begin in the first quarter of 2019 and will last a maximum of 5 months. The Councilor for Maintenance, Mª José Rodríguez, pointed out that "these streets will follow the example of what we have already done in Ebre Street to facilitate the passage of pedestrians by removing the trees from the sidewalk and passing them to the parking area. model that works and is much more friendly for the walk of the pedestrians ".
La redacció del projecte de Carles Buïgas, a licitació
D’altra banda, el govern ja ha posat a licitació la contractació del servei de redacció del projecte bàsic i executiu de les obres de renovació integral del carrer Carles Buïgas i voltants. L'àmbit d'actuació compren la totalitat d’urbanització del carrer Carles Buïgas, entre el carrer Torremolinos i el carrer Saragossa, amb una longitud aproximada de 1.040 m. lineals i uns 16.880 m2 de superfície, i els trams dels carrers que hi conflueixen en aquest: els carrers Terol, Murillo, Pau Vila, Priorat, Fra Juniper Serra, Pompeu Fabra, Torremolinos, Vendrell, Ramon Llull, Valls, Amposta, Montblanc, Passatge Dr. Pigem i Bilbao. Aquests carrers suposen una superfície de 13.400 m2 que, sumats als 16.880 del carrer Carles Buïgas, comporten una superfície total aproximada a urbanitzar de 30.280 m2. El proper mes de gener s’obriran les ofertes per adjudicar la redacció del projecte, valorat en més de 3ME.
L’alcalde ha assenyalat que “convertirem aquest carrer en un passeig amb una renovació de tota la zona, amb una millora importantíssima i un valor afegit pel nostre comerç, les activitats i els veïns/es i visitants que el trepitgen”, deia. Aquest projecte es previst que es dugui a terme passat l’estiu del 2019.
En aquest sentit, cal recordar que el govern va portar a terme durant l’any 2017 una prova pilot de conversió en zona de vianants d’un tram del carrer Carles Buïgas, entre el carrer Murillo i el carrer Saragossa. Com diu el seu títol era una prova pilot pendent de redactar el projecte definitiu de reurbanització del carrer, una vegada analitzada l’actuació de prova i haver obtingut l’informació necessària per redactar una proposta de futur. La prova pilot ha comportat un bon grau de satisfacció pel que fa a la transformació en zona de vianants.  A més de zona de vianants, és voluntat municipal implantar un model d’urbanització que aporti valors afegits a la zona, que millori la imatge urbana, que satisfaci les necessitats dels residents, que millori el seu atractiu en vistes als comerços, restaurants i altres activitats existents i que en definitiva faci a l’àmbit un dels referents de l’activitat turístic comercial del municipi.

Tags: salou, costa dorada, infrastructure
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